Slam Jam / Spazio Maiocchi Milan 2023
In 2023 I was invited to show some design/motion/sound work at both the gallery Spazzio Maiocchi, as well as at the Slam Jam Storefront.
Spectral Sustenance
At Spazzio, the event Spectral Transmissions took place. This was a culinary collaboration with Kiki Kudo, set under a massive billboard print, w/ live sound design. The billboard was made by algorithmically permutating geometries in 3d.
585x294cm Print for “Spectral Sustenance”
585x294cm Print for “Spectral Sustenance”
Video Loop - Spectal Sustenance
Stills - Spectal Sustenance
Zoomed Detail - Spectal Sustenance Print.
Event/Flyer - Spectal Sustenance
Spectral Transmissions
Spectral Transmissions (2023) an in-store installation of improvisational synaesthetic video loops made between 2018-2023, showcased for a week @ Slam Jam Milano